Sun Sets in the East

Just as the sun is setting on another Australian summer and another CMG competition, the sun was also beginning to set on bitter rivals Easts after the Pirates toughed it out to score a thrilling come-from-behind victory. Missing some of their big guns due to injury and suspensions, Easts were always going to be at Read More …

Pirates Contest Fish Bowl

In the season’s most humbling and prestigious game, defending champions Easts met wild card entry, the Pirates who kept pace with their adversary right through to the final quarter when missed opportunities all but sealed their fate. While Pirates fans may have been disappointed with the loss, they could not complain about the halftime show Read More …

Sun Rises in the East

Another slow start by the Pirates ultimately cost them the chance to solidify their second place ranking on the CMG ladder Monday night when they went down to the trouble plagued Easts 39 to 30. It wasn’t until the start of the second quarter that a well timed fade-away by Ben Roberts (6 points) got Read More …